L-Store Commands

L-Store Depot:

create_resource.dev  <RID> </dev>

This command takes a block device, and formats it into a L-Store storage resource.
<RID> should be a globally unique identifier (consecutive integers, UUID, etc.)
</dev> is the physical block device to format (/dev/sdc, etc.)

mount_resource </dev>

This command mounts a single resource to the OS.
</dev> is the physical block device to mount


This mounts *all* resources visible on the machine.

umount_resource <RID>

Unmount the given RID from the OS.


Unmount all resources from the OS.


Each RID has its own configuration file for tweaking various parameters.  “merge_config” will use that to create the master config file for the ibp_server daemon.  This command must be run prior to starting up ibp_server.

ibp_server [-r] -d /path/to/ibp.conf

This command starts up the ibp_server daemon with the resources listed in the ibp.conf file
The “-d” option, followed by a path (usually /depot/ibp.conf) tells the ibp_server which config file to load.
The “-r” option will force the server to rebuild.  This is normally only used when the server has crashed or otherwise not shut down cleanly.


This command shuts down the running ibp_server daemon.

ibp_attach_rid [-r] host port RID [timeout]

This command will attach a single RID to a running ibp_server.  This is normally used when adding or replacing RIDS on an operation system.
The “-r” option will rebuild the RID if it was not shut down cleanly.
“host” is the hostname of the depot running the ibp_server
“port” is the TCP port the ibp_server is running on (usually 6714)
“RID” is the Resource ID for the RID you want to attach.

ibp_detach_rid host port RID delay_before_umount [timeout]

This command will detach a single RID from a running ibp_server.  This is normally used for maintenance purposes.
“host” is the hostname of the depot running the ibp_server
“port” is the TCP port the ibp_server is running on (usually 6714)
“RID” is the Resource ID for the RID you want to attach.

L-Store Client:

Note:  Most lio_* commands share the following common options:


-d level – Set the debug level (0-20). Defaults to 0
-no-auto-lfs – Disable auto-conversion of LFS mount paths to lio
-c config – Configuration file
-lc user@config – Use the user and config section specified for making the default LIO
-np N – Number of simultaneous operations. Default is 100.
-i N – Print information messages of level N or greater. No header is printed
-it N – Print information messages of level N or greater. Thread ID header is used
-if N – Print information messages of level N or greater. Full header is used


[-rp regex_path | -gp glob_path] [-ro regex_objext | -go glob_object] [path_1 … path_N]
-rp regex_path – Regex of path to scan
-gp glob_path – Glob of path to scan
-ro regex_obj – Regex for final object selection.
-go glob_obj – Glob for final object selection.
path1 .. pathN – Glob of paths to target

Instructions for lio_* commands will omit these shared options for the sake of brevity.

NOTE: It’s imperative that the user@host:/path…, @:/path…, etc be used since this signifies where the files come from.  If no ‘@:’ is used the path is assumed to reside on the local disk.


Usage:  lio_cp LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-rd recurse_depth] [-ln] [-b bufsize_mb] src_path1 .. src_pathN dest_path

-ln – Follow links. Otherwise they are ignored
-rd recurse_depth – Max recursion depth on directories. Defaults to 10000
-b bufsize_mb – Buffer size to use in MBytes for *each* transfer (Default=20MB)
src_path* – Source path glob to copy
dest_path – Destination file or directory


Usage:  lio_du LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-rd recurse_depth] [-ns] [-h|-hi] [-s] [-ln] LIO_PATH_OPTIONS

-rd recurse_depth – Max recursion depth on directories. Defaults to 10000
-ns – Don’t sort the output
-h – Print using base 1000
-hi – Print using base 1024
-s – Print directory summaries only
-ln – Follow links. Otherwise they are ignored


Usage:  lio_find LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-rd recurse_depth] [-t object_types] [-nopre] LIO_PATH_OPTIONS

-rd recurse_depth – Max recursion depth on directories. Defaults to 10000
-t object_types – Types of objects to list bitwise OR of 1=Files, 2=Directories, 4=symlink, 8=hardlink. Default is 1.
-nopre – Don’t print the scan common prefix


Usage:  lio_fsck LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-o parent|manual|delete|user valid_user] [-ex parent|manual|delete] [-s manual|repair] path_1 .. path_N

-o – How to handle missing system.owner issues. Default is manual.
parent – Make the object owner the same as the parent directory.
manual – Do nothing. Leave the owner as missing.
delete – Remove the object
user valid_user – Make the provided user the object owner.
-ex – How to handle missing exnode issues. Default is manual.
parent – Create an empty exnode using the parent exnode.
manual – Do nothing. Leave the exnode as missing or blank.
delete – Remove the object
-s – How to handle missing exnode size. Default is repair.
manual – Do nothing. Leave the size missing.
repair – If the exnode existst load it and determine the size.
path – Path prefix to use


Usage: lio_fuse mount_point [FUSE_OPTIONS] [–lio LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS]

-h –help print this help
-ho print FUSE mount options help
-V –version print FUSE version
-d -o debug enable debug output (implies -f)
-s disable multi-threaded operation
-f foreground operation
(REQUIRED unless ‘-c /absolute/path/lio.cfg’ is specified and all included files are absolute paths) -o OPT[,OPT…] mount options
(for possible values of OPT see ‘man mount.fuse’ or see ‘lio_fuse -ho’)


Usage: lio_get LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-b bufsize] src_file1 .. src_file_N

-b bufsize – Buffer size to use in MBytes (Default=20MB)
src_file – Source file




Usage: lio_inspect LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-rd recurse_depth] [-b bufsize_mb] [-f] [-s] [-r] [-q extra_query] [-bl key value] [-p] -o inspect_opt LIO_PATH_OPTIONS

-rd recurse_depth – Max recursion depth on directories. Defaults to 10000
-b bufsize_mb – Buffer size to use in MBytes for *each* inspect (Default=20MB)
-s – Report soft errors, like a missing RID in the config file but the allocation is good. The default is to ignore these type of errors.
-r – Use reconstruction for all repairs. Even for data placement issues. Not always successful. Try without option in those cases. Even for data placement issues. Could fail
-q extra_query – Extra RS query for data placement. AND-ed with default query
-bl key value – Blacklist the given key/value combination. Multiple -bl options can be provided. For a RID use: rid_key rid Hostname: host hostname
-f – Forces data replacement even if it would result in data loss
-p – Print the resulting query string
-o inspect_opt – Inspection option. One of the following: inspect_quick_check, inspect_scan_check, inspect_full_check, inspect_quick_repair, inspect_scan_repair, inspect_full_repair, inspect_soft_errors, inspect_hard_errors, inspect_migrate


Usage: lio_ln LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-s] [-f] source_file linked_dest_file

-s – Make symbolic links instead of hard links
-f – Force the link creation even if source doesn’t exist. Only used for symlinks


Usage: lio_ls LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-rd recurse_depth] [-ns] LIO_PATH_OPTIONS

-rd recurse_depth – Max recursion depth on directories. Defaults to 0
-t object_types – Types of objects to list bitwise OR of 1=Files, 2=Directories, 4=symlink, 8=hardlink. Default is 63.
-ns – Don’t sort the output
-rp regex_path – Regex of path to scan
-gp glob_path – Glob of path to scan
-ro regex_object – Regex for final object selection.
-go glob_object – Glob for final object selection.


Usage:  lio_mkdir LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-ex exnode.ex3] dir1 dir22 …

-ex exnode.ex3 – Optional exnode to use. Defaults to parent dir.
dir* – New directories to create


Usage:  lio_mv LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-ln] src_path1 .. src_pathN dest_path

-ln – Follow links. Otherwise they are ignored
src_path* – Source path glob to move
dest_path – Destination directory of file


Usage: lio_put LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-b bufsize] dest_file

-b bufsize – Buffer size to use in MBytes (Default=20MB)
dest_file – Destination file


Usage:  lio_rm LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-rd recurse_depth] [-t object_types] LIO_PATH_OPTIONS

-rd recurse_depth – Max recursion depth on directories. Defaults to 0.
-t object_types – Types of objects to list bitwise OR of 1=Files, 2=Directories, 4=symlink, 8=hardlink. Default is 63.




Usage: lio_setattr LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-rd recurse_depth] [-t object_types] -as key=value | -ar key | -af key=vfilename | -al key=obj_path/dkey LIO_PATH_OPTIONS

-rd recurse_depth – Max recursion depth on directories. Defaults to 10000
-t object_types – Types of objects to list bitwise OR of 1=Files, 2=Directories, 4=symlink, 8=hardlink. Default is 1.
-delim c – Key/value delimeter characters. Defauls is =.
-as key=value – Breaks up the literal string into the key/value pair and stores it.
-ar key – Remove the key.
-af key=vfilename – Similar to -as but the valure is loaded from the given vfilename.
-al key=sobj_path/skey – Symlink the key to another objects (sobj_path) key(skey).

NOTE: Multiple -as/-ar/-af/-al clauses are allowed


Usage: lio_signature LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS file

file – File to examine


Usage: lio_touch LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-ex exnode.ex3] file1 file2 …

-ex exnode.ex3 – Optional exnode to use. Defaults to parent dir.
file* – New files to create


Usage: lio_warm LIO_COMMON_OPTIONS [-rd recurse_depth] [-dt time] LIO_PATH_OPTIONS

-rd recurse_depth – Max recursion depth on directories. Defaults to 10000
-dt time – Duration time in sec. Default is 86400 sec