IBP Server Install

The IBP server runs on a standard Ubuntu Linux distribution. The following steps should be sufficient to set up an IBP depot.

  1. Install a base Ubuntu OS on a server.
  2. Log in as root, and “apt-get install puppet”.
  3. Download the “rtfm_bootstrap” script and run it. RTFM is the collection of management scripts used to install IBP and various support packages
  4. “rtfm_list” will show a list of available packages. You need to install “normal_depot_base” and “depot” at a bare minimum. “rtfm_list PACKAGE” will show the available versions of each package. For instance, “rtfm_list normal_depot_base” returns:
             normal_depot_base versions available

    Run “rtfm_install normal_base_depot 001-v1.0.0″ and it will install the base depot support files. Similarly, “rtfm_list depot” returns:

             depot versions available

    Under most normal circumstances, you want to install the latest version of the depot, so run “rtfm_install depot 002-v1.2.5.

  5. At this point, the IBP server software is installed. We now need to format the data drives on your servers. Please email Alan.Tackett@accre.vanderbilt.edu with the following information:* The number of servers you have.
    * The number of data drives each server has

    We will email you a list of hostnames (usually of the form depotX.locY.SITE.reddnet.org) globally unique Resource ID’s (RID’s), one per data drive.

  6. Use the “create_resource.dev” command to format a drive. Running the command by itself shows you the options:
        # create_resource.dev
        create_resource.dev RID device [mbytes]

    For instance, to format device /dev/sde as RID 4594, run:

        # create_resource.dev 4594 /dev/sde

    Repeat this for all your data drives

  7. Once all RID’s are formated, use the “mount_all_device_resources” command to mount them.
  8. Run “merge_config” to build the master ibp config file.
  9. Run “ibp_server -d /depot/ibp.conf”. If the command completes successfully, then you are finished!